We are fortunate to have so many outstanding businesses in southern Maine to which we can refer our clients. The following is a list of dozens of local vendors that we've used ourselves and whose work we found to be honest and reliable. Contact Williams Realty Partnerswith any questions -- we hope you find this useful!
For additional recommendations, please visit the Greater York Region Chamber of Commerce's website or visit their offices, which are located at 1 Stonewall Lane in York, Maine.
Click to a link to jump to a section:
Yorke & Associates - Tony Yorke - 207.361.1322
Oliver Brown - 207.606.9333- https://oliverbrowncpa.com
William A. Friberg - 207.438.0268 - https://mainecpas.com/
Mr. Appliance- 603.734.2531
Maine-ly Maintenance - Mark Vohnoutka - 518.751.6345
On Broadway Appliance - 603.834.6492
CM Appraisal - 207.363.3782 - http://www.cmappraisals.com/
Cathy Bauer Appraisals, LLC. - 207.468.8420
The Maine Appraisal Company - Thom Scheele - 207.387.0898 - https://www.themaineappraisalcompany.com/
Points East Appraisal - Michelle Mather - 207.743.1422
The Valuation Group - 207.646.4050 - www.thevaluationgroup.net/
Stanhope Group - 603.431.4141 - (Commercial) - https://stanhopegroup.com/
Matt Banow Design - 603.742.5005 - www.banowdesign.com/
Fiorentino Group Architects - 603.373.8562 - https://fiorentinogroup.com/
Willow & Sage Design - Alyssa Pierce - 860.716.3902 - https://www.willowandsagedesign.com/
DeStefano Architects - 603.431.8701 - destefanoarchitects.com/
TMS Architects - 603.436.4274 - www.tmsarchitects.com/
Lassel Architects - 207.384.2049 - https://www.lasselarchitects.com/
Arilda Design - 207.604.6848 - www.arilda.com/
Brian Batson - 207.337.1171
Tim Brochu - 207.613.7036 - https://www.adraarchitecture.com/
Camden National - Matt Tardiff - 207.831.7389 - www.camdennational.com/
Movement Mortgage - Kirk Todd - 603.969.3551 - https://movement.com/lo/kirk-todd
Movement Mortgage - Bradley Kelly - 603.396.3198 - https://movement.com/lo/bradley-kelly
CMG Financial- Darcy Bastarache - 207.494.7149 - https://norcommortgage.com/Guild Mortgage - Stephanie Welsh - 603.512.3877 - https://branches.guildmortgage.com/nh/portsmouth/stephanie-welsh-866-rgsw.html
TC Hafford Basement Systems - 207.509.3015 - www.tchaffordbasementsystems.com/
B-Dry System of Maine & New Hampshire - 207.282.0718 - https://bdrymainenh.com/
Crack X - 877.727.2259 - https://crackx.com/
Sentry Building Systems - Joe Graham - 207.703.4239 - https://sentrybuildingsystems.net/
Richard Moody & Sons - 207.646.6194 - http://www.rmoodyconstruction.com/
Rocheleau Custom Homes - 207.363.3857 - rocheleaucustomhomes.com/
DeGrappo Builders, LLC - Doug DeGrappo - 207.439.5930 - https://www.facebook.com/DegrappoBuilders
Great Northern Builders - 207.615.0479 - https://www.greatnorthernbuilders.info
Dynamic Solutions Custom Builder & Remodel - 603.557.4760 - https://dynamicsolutionsllc.com/
Pine Valley Home Solutions - 207.850.1612 - https://www.pinevalleyhomesolutions.com/
Carr Development Corporation - Joe Carr - 207.363.8802
Shoreline Construction - 207.363.2972- http://www.shorelineconstructionmaine.com/
Period Design Restoration - 207.351.1593 - https://www.pdrmaine.com/
Robert Reed Associates - 207.363.8568 - www.rreedassociates.com/
YFI Custom Homes - 207.363.8053 - yficustomhomes.com/
Oceanview Property Management - 207.619.2113 - https://www.oceanviewybme.com/
Universal Property Management - 603.766.4876 - https://www.upmanagement.org/
Eagle Eye Property Watch - David Kenary - 860.558.6604
Chem-Dry - 207.451.9470 - https://www.chemdry.com/
Scrub-A-Rug - 207.351.2513 - https://scrubarugcarpetcleaning.com/
Aladdin Carpet Cleaners - 603.431.5339 - https://aladdincarpetcleanersnh.com/
Galley Provisions - Katie Johnson - 207.752.4514 - http://www.galleyprovisionsmaine.com/
Harvest Plate & Catering - Trip Rouillier - 207.646.2122 - http://www.harvestandplate.com/
Coast2Coast Catering - Dan Crook - 207.646.2087 - https://coast2coastcaterers.com/
Frechette Chimney Sweeping and Lining - 207.608.0564 - www.bobfrechettechimneysweep.com
Supaflu Chimney Systems - 207.883.1155 - www.supaflu.com/
A Merrie Sweepe Chimney Service - 603.431.8772 - https://www.amerriesweepe.com/
J and N Electric - 207.363.7333
Maine Coast Electric - 207.332.8549
Moran Electric - 207.363.5889
Neumann Electric - 207.451.3581 - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100095299124155
Atlantic Electrical Services - 207.432.0723 -https://atlanticelectricalservices.com/
Coastline Electric- 207.451.8726 - https://coastline-electric-co.com/
Bridges Electric - 207.363.7177 - https://www.bridgeselec.com/
Scott Fagan Electric - 207.361.1584
HomeWiz- 617.744.7549 https://www.yourhomewiz.com/
Elevator Installation & Service
All-Ways Accessible, INC.- 603.224.9226 - www.awalifts.com/
Environmental Testing & Mitigation (Radon, Mold, etc.)
All Dry Services - Andy Knox - 207.607.5946 (Mold Remediation, Water/Sewer/Demolition Damage Clean up) https://www.myalldry.com/southern-maine/
Advanced Bio-Cleaning, LLC- Michael Scott- 617.797.4021 (Mold Remediation, Water and Fire Damage)
SWAT Environmental- 800.NO.RADON (Radon Mitigation) https://swat-radon.com/radon-mitigation/maine/
Get It Done Home Services - 207.619.1337 (Radon Mitigation & Testing)
EnviroVantage - 603.679.9682 (Lead Paint Removal, Asbestos Removal, Mold Remediation, Demolition, Water Damage Clean-Up & Historical Restoration) - www.envirovantage.com/
Green Air Solutions - Charlie Shultz - 603.799.1940 (Mold Removal & Remediation) - http://www.greenairsolutionsnh.com/
Radon Systems - 207.247.8181 (Radon Mitigation)
PBC Environmental - 844.472.2368 (Asbestos, Lead, Contaminated Soils & Demolition) - https://pbc-env.com/
Insurcomm - Mike Pike - 844.424.9283 (Asbestos Removal, Water Damage Clean Up, Mold Remediation & Fire Damage Clean Up) - https://insurcomm.com/
Absolute Resource - 603.436.2001 (Mold, Environmental hazards, Asbestos, Lead and more) - https://www.absoluteresourceassociates.com/index.cfm
Radon Removal Systems - 207.854.8792 - (Radon Air Removal) - https://radonremoval.net/
Riquie L. Boutin - 207.286.6656 (Lead Paint Inspection & Assessment) - https://www.claritypropertyservices.com/
Kathryn Bedell Law - 207.363.1200 - https://kathrynbedelllaw.com/
Brennan & Rogers PLLC - 207.361.4680 - https://brennanrogers.com/
BRG Legal, LLC - Britton Garon - 207.351.8414 - https://brglegalllc.com/
Lisa Roche - 207.363.0383 -https://lawofficeoflisaroc.wixsite.com/lawofficeoflisaroche?utm_source=avvo&utm_medium=referral
Excavation/ Septic Installation/ Dirt Work
Pierce Excavation- 207.337.0773
Eastman's Excavation - Shawn Eastman - 207.252.5906 - http://www.eastmanexcavation.com/Pine Hill Excavation - 207.251.3501 - https://www.pinehillexcavation.com/
Curtis Earthworks - 207.715.0265 - https://www.curtisearthworks.com/
Abbott Brothers, INC. - 207.363.3762 - https://www.abbottbrosinc.com/
MacKinnon and Sons Excavating - 603.692.7667 - https://mackinnonandsonsexcavating.com/
Ray Shaw - 207.467.0154
Will Shapleigh Excavation - 207.252.4262
Eliot -
Regatta - 207.351.4623 - https://regattaroom.com/
Kennebunkport -
Nonantum Resort - 207.967.4050 - https://nonantumresort.com/
The Colony Hotel - 207.967.3331 - https://colonymaine.com/
Lyman -
Funky Bow - 207.409.6814 - https://www.funkybowbeercompany.com/
Ogunquit -
Jonathans - 207.646.4777 - https://jonathansogunquit.com/
Portland -
State Theatre - 207.956.6000 - https://statetheatreportland.com/
Portsmouth -
AC Hotel - 603.427.0152 - https://marriott.com
Prescott Park - 603.610.7208 - https://www.cityofportsmouth.com/prescottpark
The Music Hall - 603.436.2400 - http://themusichall.org
York -
The Cliff House - 207.361.1000 - https://www.cliffhousemaine.com/
The Stage Neck - 207.363.3850 - https://stageneckinn.com/
The ViewPoint - 207.361.3261 - https://www.viewpointhotel.com/
York Harbor Inn - 207.363.5119 - https://www.yorkharborinn.com/
Higgins Wood Floors- 603.332.2773 - https://www.higginswoodfloors.com/
Portsmouth Quality Flooring - 603.605.8651 - https://www.portsmouthquality.com/
Hogan Flooring - 603.740.0086 - http://www.hoganflooring.net/
Tri-City Flooring - 603.692.2220 - http://tri-cityflooringnh.com
Garthwaite Oil - 207.646.6911 - https://www.garthwaiteenergy.com/
Rhymes Propane & Oil - 603.228.2224 - https://rymes.com/
Welch Oil - 207.363.2770 - https://welchheatingoil.com/
P. Gagnon & Son, INC - 207.439.2266 - https://www.pgagnon.com/
D.F. Richard Energy - 603.742.2020 - https://www.dfrichard.com/Proulx Oil & Propane - 800.287.1921 - https://www.proulxoilandpropane.com/
Generator Service and Installation
Moriarty Electric Co.-207.439.7247- https://moriartyelectric.net/
Philbricks Generators - 603.778.1372 - http://www.philbricksgenerators.com/
Rod's Electric Inc- 207.282.5398- https://rodsgenerator.com/
Affordable Gutter Guy - 603.948.5708 - https://www.aaffordablegutterguy.com/
Morel Properties, INC - Jamie Morel - 207.451.0592
Get It Done Home Services - 207.619.1337
Matt Mumper - 603.770.6612
Harbor Beach Handyman - 207.310.6020 - https://www.harborbeachhs.com/
Pete Offermann - 207.459.8888
John Gundlah - 207.337.3765
Colton Rienecke Carpentry & Design - 802.310.2004 https://coltonrienecke.com/
Hazelwood Handyman - Tim Spang - 207.967.0003 - https://www.hazelwoodhandyman.com/
Casco Bay Home Improvement - 207.620.9090
Rocky Hill Services - Craig Conrad - 207.332.0547
The Dump Guy - 207.450.5858 - https://www.thedumpguy.com/
Jayco Disposal - 207.363.0098 - https://jaycodisposal.com/
New England Pickers - 603.833.3822 - https://nepickers.com/
JJ Mackay Disposal - 603.664.9583 - http://www.jjmackaydisposal.net/
Oceanside Rubbish - 207.646.3230
Tucker & Tucker - 207.885.0059 - https://www.tuckerandtucker.com/
Bridges Electric, Easy AV - 207.363.7177 - https://www.bridgeselec.com/easyav
HomeSystems - 603.433.4393 - https://www.dchomesystems.com/
Audio Video Experience - 603.601.1050 - https://www.electronic-lifestyle.com/
HomeWiz - 617.744.7549 - https://www.yourhomewiz.com/
EZ-Solutions - 207.252.3585 - http://yourezsolutions.com/
Home Inspection Services for Real Estate
HouseMaster - 800.626.5442 - https://housemaster.com/
North Coast Home Inspection, LLC - Chris Ross - 207.351.8697 - https://north-coast-home-inspection.squarespace.com/
ProSpect - Greg Davis - 603.200.0070 - https://www.prospections.com/
Win Home Inspection - Brandon Delano - 207.283.6600 - https://wini.com/portlandme/
Pillar To Post - Dave Bedell - 800.294.5591 - https://pillartopost.com/
East Coast HVAC - 603.430.9414 - https://eastcoasthvac.com/
Hart Plumbing & Heating - 603.431.8688 - https://www.hartplumbingandheating.com/
Dr. Heat & Mr. Cool - 207.451.8008 - http://heatdr.com
Garthwaite - 207.646.6911 - https://www.garthwaiteenergy.com/
Atlantic Comfort Systems - 207.284.6360 - https://www.atlanticcomfort.com/
HomeWiz- 617.744.7549 https://www.yourhomewiz.com/
Rainmaker Irrigation- 603.621.9991- https://www.rainmakerirrigationyork.com/
Thirsty-Turf Irrigation- 207.797.3461- https://www.thirstyturfirrigation.com/
Tapley Insurance - Mike Mandravelis - 207.363.7894 - https://www.tapleyagency.com/
HBL Group, LLC - Ryan Collins - 603.436.2775 - https://www.hblins.com/
Ellis Insurance - 207.363.7670 - http://ellisinsuranceagency.com/
Kennebunk Savings Insurance - 800.339.6573 - https://www.kennebunksavings.com/personal-banking/insurance/
Insulation & Gutter Installation
Anderson Insulation of Maine - 207.653.0331 - https://andersoninsulationme.com/
Heat Mizer - 207.324.6232 - http://heatmizer.biz/
Quality Insulation of Portsmouth - 603.436.7788 - https://www.truteam.com/
The Styled Home - Elizabeth Polansky - 207.878.4663 - http://www.thestyledhome.com/
Simply Stage It - Rebeka Thomas - 617.733.5792 - https://simplystageit.com/
Spruce Interiors - Pam Tiberia - 603.957.1068 - http://www.spruceinteriorsnh.com/
Amy Dutton Home - 207.703.0696 - https://amyduttonhome.com/
Parker House Designs - Amy Parker - 603.493.2918 - https://parkerhouse-designs.com/
Tyler Karu - 202.258.5239 - http://tylerkaru.com
Lawn Care/Gardeners/Landscaping
Fennell Property Services - 207.351.7257
Wicked Green Inc (Lawn Care, Tick & Mosquitos) - 855.947.3361 - https://www.wickedgreeninc.com/
Green With Envy - 207.363.8297Gammon Lawn Care - 207.363.5798
Hartfords Lawn Solutions - 207.432.9496 - https://www.facebook.com/Hartfordslawnsolutions
Franey Landscaping - 207.363.6191
Patten Grounds Care, INC - 207.361.1935 - http://www.pattengroundscare.com/
Thomas Lynch Design - 207.641.7500 - https://www.thomaslynchdesign.com/
Roche Locksmith - 207.363.4492 - https://www.rochelock.com/
M.G. Locksmith - 207.451.8056
Ben Cole - 207.252.0044
Mike Aceto - 781.640.5019
Ryan Thompson - 207.332.3378
KS Hardscapes - 207.641.7618 - https://kshardscapes.com/
Phil Enright Masonry - 603.237.2726
William C. Huff Moving and Storage - 800.247.5564 - https://williamchuff.com/
Cormier Movers - 800.339.1712 - https://www.cormiermovers.com/
Bridges Bros. Movers - 888.879.7716 - https://www.movewithbridges.com/ - info@movewithbridges.com
Calling All Cargo - 603.740.1900
Coastal Carpentry & Renovation - John Sargent - 207.233.3102
Troy Conant Painting - 207.337.2996
East Coast Window & Power Washing - Aaron Stone - 207.752.2332 - https://www.ecwindowandpowerwash.com/
Get It Done Home Services - 207.619.1337
M & I Painting - 603.969.3391 - http://mandipainting.com/
Michael Thomas - 781.424.7660
Painting by North East - 207.324.8142 - http://paintingbynortheast.com/
Drobish Brothers Painting - 207.752.2962
Paul Mazgeli - 207.351.5380
Vivid Painting - 207.450.6464
J.T. Travis Blacktop - 207.432.3291 - https://jttravisblacktop.com/
Pave-Tek - 207.985.0164 - https://www.pave-tek.com/
Libby Scott Paving - 207.704.0525 - http://www.libbyscottpaving.com/
RCH Paving- 603.742.0053
Modern Pest Services - 800.323.7378 - https://www.modernpest.com/
EchoTech Pest Control - 207.451.9451 - https://www.ecotechpc.net/
Ehrlich - 866.844.7716 - https://www.jcehrlich.com/
Agamenticus Plumbing & Heating - 207.216.3333 - http://www.agamenticusplumbingandheating.com/
Chris Ramsey Plumbing & Heating - 207.450.6112 - https://ramsey-plumbing.com/
Chris Donnell Plumbing & Heating - 207.363.1900
Performance Plumbing & Heating - 207.363.1770 - http://www.performanceofmaine.com/
Hart Plumbing & Heating - 603.431.8688 - https://www.hartplumbingandheating.com/
Northern Pool & Spa - 207.439.6800 - https://northernpoolandspa.com/
Great Bay Spa & Sauna - 800.436.8893 - https://www.greatbayspas.com/
Custom Pools Inc - 603.461.7800 - https://custompools.com/
Christman Pool Service - 207.797.0366 - https://www.christmanpool.com/
Bergen & Parkinson - 207.985.7000 (Kennebunk), 207.283-1000 (Saco) - http://www.bergenparkinson.com/
Bedard & Bobrow, PC - 207.439.4502 - https://www.bedardbobrow.com/
Hoefle, Phoenix, Gormley & Roberts, PLLC - 603.436.0666 - https://hpgrlaw.com/
Bernstein Shur - David Soley - 207.228.7300 - https://www.bernsteinshur.com/
Shaheen & Gordon - 207.222.7261 - https://www.shaheengordon.com/
Jensen, Baird, Gardner & Henry - 207.775.7271 - https://www.jensenbaird.com/
Kittery -
The Buoy Shack - 207.703.2374 - https://www.buoyshack.com/
Ogunquit -
That Place - 207.646.8600 - https://www.thatplaceinogunquit.com/
Portsmouth -
Cure - 603.427.8258 - https://www.curerestaurantportsmouth.com/
South Berwick -
The Outlook Tavern - 207.384.4653 - https://www.outlookgolf.com/the-outlook-tavern
Wells -
Batson River - 207.360.7255 - https://batsonriver.com/wells-maine/
York -
Frankie & Johnnys - 207.363.1909 - https://frankie-johnnys.com/
The Central - 207.351.8363 - https://www.thecentralmaine.com/
Walkers Maine - 207.351.1145 - https://walkersmaine.com/
York Harbor Inn - 207.363.5119 - https://www.yorkharborinn.com/
Sky High Roofing - 207.451.3163- https://www.facebook.com/skyhighgeneralcontracting
Professional Roofing - 603.749.8998 - https://bemyroofer.com/
Bedard’s Roofing - 207.499.7907 - https://bedardsroofing.com/
Hall Brothers Roofing - 207.698.1551
Precision Roofing - 207.247.2528 - http://www.precisionroofingmaine.com/
Septic & Sewer Service Companies
EcoClean, LLC- 207.310.8429- http://www.ecoclean1.com
A-1 Enviro Service - 207.646.2180 - http://a1environmentalservices.com/
Abbot Brothers, INC - 207.363.3762 - https://www.abbottbrosinc.com/
Rooter Man - 207.439.4617 - https://www.rooterman.com/services
L.W Morgridge & Son, INC. - 207.439.1250 - https://www.allthingsseptic.com/
Advanced Leachfields - 207.797.5760 - https://www.advancedleachfields.com/
Seacoast Sewer & Drain - 207.439.2900 - https://www.seacoastseweranddrain.com
SGT. Smith's Drain Cleaning Services- 207.432.9378- https://sgtsmithservices.com/
Maine Solar Solutions - 207.871.7191 - https://mainesolarsolutions.com/
Revision Energy - 207.221.6342 - https://www.revisionenergy.com/
Atlantic Electrical Services - 207.432.0723 - https://atlanticelectricalservices.com/
603 Solar - 603.570.2607 - https://603solar.com/
NH Mobile Storage - 603.212.1410 - https://nhmobilestorage.com/
Ace Self Storage - 207.363.0020 - http://eldredgelumber.com/ace-self-storage/
PODS - 855.706.4758 - https://www.pods.com/
Extra Space Storage - 207.613.2506 - https://www.extraspace.com/
U-Haul Moving & Storage - 800.468.4285 - https://www.uhaul.com/
Kimball Surveying/Design - Isaiah Plante - 207.351.0226 (surveying, site design, land planning) - www.kimballlandsurveying.com/
North Easterly Surveying - 207.439.6333 (surveying, site design, land planning) - easterlysurveying.com
Tide Water Engineering - 207.439.2222 (Engineering and land surveying) - www.tidewatercivil.com
Civil Consultants - 207.384.2550 (Surveying, engineering, soils testing, site design, septic design, land planning) - http://www.civcon.com/
Livingston-Hughes Land Surveyors - 800.967.9761 (Surveying, site design, land planning) - https://www.livingstonhughes.com/
Altus Engineering - 603.433.2335 (Engineering, soils testing, septic design, site design and land planning) - http://www.altus-eng.com/
Joe Noel - 207.384.5587 (Soils testing, site evaluation, wetlands, delineation, test pits for septic design)
Ken Gardner - 207.637.2260 (soils testing and septic design)
Mainely Soils- Alex Finamore- 207.650.4313 (Soils testing, site evaluation, wetlands, delineation, test pits for septic design) https://www.facebook.com/Mainely-Soils-LLC-1847870215249162/
Consolidated Communications - 844.968.7224 - https://www.consolidated.com/
Spectrum - 800.892.4357 - https://www.spectrum.com/
Xfinity - 888.936.4968 - https://my.xfinity.com/
Four Points Title & Escrow - 207.703.7002 - https://fourtitle.com/
Red Door Title - Melanie Yorke-Tromblee - 207.358.7500 - https://reddoortitle.com/
Signature Escrow & Title Services - 603.431.8100 - https://signaturetitle.com/
Cornerstone Title LLC - 603.766.8121 - www.cornerstoneonline.net/
Lee Tree Co. - 207.363.2306 - https://www.leetreecompany.com/
Masi Tree LLC (climber) - 207.752.7791 - http://facebook.com/MasiTreeLLC/
Tom Chase & Sons Inc - 207.363.5144JW Ballard Tree Service & Excavation - 603.817.6025 - https://www.jwballardtreeservice.com/
Dan The Tree Guy - 207.451.3732 - https://www.danthetreeguyllc.com/
Penske - 603.427.1418 - https://www.pensketruckrental.com/
Ryder Truck Rentals - 603.433.5880 - https://reservations.ryder.com/en
U-Haul - 207.351.1902 - https://www.uhaul.com/
Eversource - 800.662.7764 - https://www.eversource.com/content/ct-c
Central Maine Power - 800.750.4000 - https://www.cmpco.com/wps/portal/cmp/home/
Kennebunk Light and Power - 207.985.3311 (Kennebunk, Wells and Arundel) - https://klpd.org/
Unitil - 800.852.3339 - https://unitil.com/
Carl's Water Systems - 207.646.7373 - https://www.carlswatersystems.com/
McMahon's Water Services - 207.569.2873 - -https://mcmahonswaterservices.com/
Marquis Well & Pump - 207.459.0720 - https://www.marquiswelldrilling.com/
Dunbar Water - 866.426.2273 - https://www.deadriver.com/dunbarwater
Second Wind - 603.641.5767 - https://www.secondwindwater.com/
Canvasworks - 207.985.2419 - https://www.canvasworksinc.com
Budget Blinds - 888.318.7330 - http://budgetblinds.com
Portsmouth Blind & Shade Company - 603.433.4610 - https://www.blindandshade.com/